Brand Development

In 2019, Bespoke Post began launching private label lines. As Brand Editor, I was tasked with building out these lines into full-fledged brands. This work included everything from high-level naming and storytelling to writing the copy for packaging.


Base Light

Bespoke Post’s first foray into the men’s grooming world, Base Light was developed meant to serve as a foundation for one’s daily routine. Thus the name: “Base” referring to that foundational aspect, while “Light” evokes cleanliness and order — exactly what one should expect from using the products.


Ash & Fir

A modern home brand with nods to mid-century design, this brand was meant to evoke images of well-designed wood cabins, warm fireplaces, and the great outdoors. Ash & Fir as a name, while doing just that, is also a play on “ash and fire,” a reference to the brand’s flagship candles.



Propeller was launched as Bespoke Post’s line of more technical goods, including travel bags, performance-wear, and more. It’s name speaks to the more high-tech aspects of the products, as well as implies forward motion and innovation — a core value of the brand.